Text Box: Obtaining single attosecond pulses through high-order harmonic generation by terahertz assisted infrared pulses
Text Box: National  Institute for R&D of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies Cluj-Napoca

Project financed by CDI

Funding Sours: Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI

Project Code: PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0085

Contract Nomber: 87/05.10.2011

Project Title: First Principles Modelling of SrTiO3 based Oxides for Thermoelectric Applications

Program: PN II - Human Resources

Project Type: Young Team Research Project


Project Period: 10.2011-10.2014


Research Team:
Project Director - Dr. Daniel Ioan Bilc
Team Members - Dr. Cristian Morari and Dr. Calin Floare

Donath str, 65-103

Phone: 004-0264-584037 interior 196

Fax: 004-0264-420042

E-mail: Daniel.Bilc@itim-cj.ro



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