National Institute for Research and Development

of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies



Project Name:


Project Type:

Proiecte de cercetare exploratorie

Project Code:

PN II IDEI cod ID_32

Organisation of the coding sequence of the microbian  genome; autoregresive modelation




Director of Project: C.S.I. Dr. Ioan Turcu


Objective: Supramolecular organization of coding sequences in bacterial genome. Simulation is done with autoregressive models. It is shown that DNA organization is based on weak interaction between terms (the lengths of coding sequences). This type of organization is one of short-distance and not long-distance (or fractal).

New ideas brought by the project are the following:
- The type of DNA organization (length of coding sequences) is characterization by correlation proprieties at short distance.
- Pointing out the confusion at a big scale in literature by which structures and phenomena with spatial and temporal organization at short distance are confused with fractal structures, and also the best method to be used to avoid this confusion.
- Organization of bacterial genome is described by first and higher order autoregressive models, where the fundamental parameter is the interaction factor among the series terms.
- Phenomena can be categorized in structures (phenomena) with weak interaction (the case of microbial DNA), with strong interaction (proteins) or with medium interaction (other systems outside of the project interest).
- MATLAB programs are used to describe some structures and phenomena with autoregressive models.

It is estimated that these project results will be published in ISI journals (Physical Review E, Fluctuation and Noise Letters, Modern Physics Letters, Journal of Statistical Mechanics Theory and Experiment).

Utility of research: building a new evaluation methodology for comparing the type of organization of DNA and proteins, with impact in molecular biophysics, molecular biology, genomics, etc.



1.    – 2007: Generarea de modele autoregressive si caracterizarea spectrala a seriilor de date

2.    – 2008: Caracteristici de corelare ale modelelor autoregresive; Caracterizarea spectrala a seriilor de date privind secventele de codare pentru organisme bacteriene model

3.    – 2009: Modelarea spectrelor seriilor secventelor de codare din genomul bacterian prin modele autoregresive de ordin superior; Cercetari privind organizarea si modelarea genomului bacterian la diverse specii

4.    2010: Diseminare si raport final




1.    – 2007: Programare in MATLAB. Analiza spectrala a serilor de date autoregressive; redactare articol pentru revista cotata ISI

2.    – 2008: Analiza prin metoda “Detrended fluctuation analysis” a serilor de date; redactare articol pentru revista cotata ISI; Programare in MATLAB; extragerea tendintei din serile de date; medierea spectrelor; fitare cu modelul autoregresiv de ordin 1.

3.    – 2009: Programare MATLAB; verificare pe serii de date provenite din genomul bacterian al unor cazuri model; Analiza spectrala si identificare modelului autoregresiv optim pentru specii bacteriene selectate; redactare articol pentru revista cotata ISI  

4.    – 2010: Redactari de lucrari si comunicari









Team Members:


Prename and Name


Didactical and

Scientific title




Turcu Ioan





Morariu V. Vasile





Neamtu Silvia





Buimaga-Iarinca Luiza


Researcher assistant



Hossu Mihaela


Researcher assistant






  1. Oana Zainea , V. Morariu, The length of coding sequences in a bacterial genome: evidence for short-range correlation, Fluctuation and Noise Letters, vol 7 No 4, 2007 L501-L506(2007)
  2. V. Morariu, Distribution and correlation of the coding sequence lenghts in bacterial genome Rev. Chim. 59, 11, 1201-1204 (2008)
  3. L. Buimaga-Iarinca, V. Morariu, Short range correlation of the erythrocyte membrane fluctuations, JPCS Volume, 182, (2009), 012005
  4. V. Morariu, L. Buimaga-Iarinca, Autoregressive modeling of coding sequence lengths in bacterial genome, Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 9(1), L47-L59 (2010).
  5. V. Morariu, C. Vamos, A. Pop, S. Soltuz, L. Buimaga-Iarinca, Autoregressive modeling of light emission from a galaxy - Rom. Journ. Phys 55, (7-8), (2010).
  6. V. Morariu, C. Vamos, A. Pop, S. Soltuz, L. Buimaga-Iarinca, O. Zainea, Autoregressive modeling of biological phenomena, Biophys. Rev. Lett. 5(3), 1-20, (2010).
  7. V. Morariu, L. Buimaga-Iarinca, Autoregressive modeling of coding sequence lengths in bacterial genome, Fluct. Noise Lett., 9(1), L47-L59 (2010).
  8. Buimaga-Iarinca Luiza, Vasile V. Morariu, Noises and trends in autoregressive modeling, send to Modern Physics Letters B

Conference papers

  1. C. Morari, D. Bogdan and I. Turcu, Towards rapid DNA sequencing - ab-initio study of nucleotide sandwiched between Au(111) plates, the 7th European Biophysics Congress Genoa, Italy, July 11-15 (2009)
  2. C. Morari, D. Bogdan and I. Turcu, Electronic structure of DNA's base pairs in-between noble metal plate:“ab initio” study, XXth International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Sibiu, Romania, 10-14 May (2009)
  3. Diana Bogdan, I. Turcu and C. Morari, Ab-initio study of DNA nucleotides squeezed between Au(111) electrodes: applications to DNA sequencing technology, X-th National Conference of Biophysics (CNB 2009) 1-3 October 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  4. L Buimaga-Iarinca, V. Morariu, Short range correlation of the erythrocyte membrane fluctuations, PIM 2009, 24-26 September 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  5. Luiza Buimaga-Iarinca, Noise and trend influences in autoregressive modeling, Exploratory workshop: New tendencies in computational biophysics, 4-6 June 2009, West University, Timisoara, Romania
  6. L. Buimaga-Iarinca, V Morariu, Short range correlation of the erythrocyte membrane fluctuations, National Conference of Biophysics, 1-3 October 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania



Impactul principal consta in cunoasterea organizarii genomului bacterian la nivel de secvente coding – lungimea lor si localizarea in genom. Anticipand rezultatele, caracteristica principala este neuniformitatea structurii si complementaritatea celor doua fire de AND ce alcatuiesc molecula de AND. Rezultatele se vor concretiaza in principal prin lucrari ISI.
