“Determinarea rapoartelor izotopice 18O/16O si 13C/12C din vin” Certificat de Acreditare Nr. LI823



  1. Cuna, S; Berdea, P; Cristea, G, Magdas DA, Dordai E., “Deuterium isotopic fractionation through the cell membrane of plants”,19th Annual VM Goldschmidt Conference, JUN 21, 2009 Davos SWITZERLAND GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 73, 13, 2009
  2. D. Costinel , V. V. Grecu, R. Vremera, S. Cuna, Stable Oxygen and Hydrogen isotopes measurement by CF-IRMS with applications in hydrological studies, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 182, 012038, 2009 doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/182/1/011002
  3. Marghitas Liviu Al, Dezmirean Daniel, Adela Moise, Otilia Bobis, Laura Laslo, Stefan Bogdanov, Physico-chemical and bioactive properties of different floral origin honeys from Romania, Food Chemistry 112 (2009) 863–867/Elsevier Science
  4. D. A. Magdas, S. M. Cuna, P. Berdea, G. Balas, C. Cuna, E.Dordai, M. Falub, Rapid Commun. In Mass Spectrom, 2009, 23,2568-2572
  5. Voica, C., Deheleanu, A., Pamula, A. Method validation for determination of heavy metals in wine and slightly alcoholic beverages by ICP-MS. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 182 (2009) 012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/182/1/012036
  6. Otilia Bobis, L.Al.Marghitas, Adela Moise, Melinda Tofalvi, D.Dezmirean, Biologically active compounds from different herbs used as additives in honeybee feeding, Buletinul USAMV-CN,66 (1-2)/2009(-), Editura Academic Press Cluj-Napoca, ISSN 1454-2382
  7. Victorita Bonta, Liviu Al. Marghitas, D.Dezmirean, Otilia Bobis, Determination of six sulfonamide residues in honey by HPLC with fluorescence detection, Buletinul USAMV-CN,66 (1-2)/2009(-), Editura Academic Press Cluj-Napoca, ISSN 1454-2382
  8. Oltica Stanciu, L.Al.Marghitas, D.Dezmirean, Macro si oligo-mineral elements from honeybee collected pollen and beebread harvested from Transilvania (Romania), Buletinul USAMV-CN,66 (1-2)/2009(-), Editura Academic Press Cluj-Napoca, ISSN 1454-238
  9. Monica Harmanescu, Otilia Bobis, I. Gogoasa, I. Gergen, Trace metals contents-possible indicators for geographical origin of Romanian bee’s honey, Proceedings of the Second International Conference “ Research people and actual tasks on multidisciplinary Sciences, Lozenec, Bulgaria, 10-12 June, 2009, 12-17
  10. Socaciu, C., Ranga F., Fetea F., Leopold D., Dulf F., Parlog R., Complementary advanced techniques applied for plant and food Authentication, Czech J. Of Food Sciences, 27, S70-S75, 2009 ISSN 1212-1800
  11. Socaciu C., Fetea F., Ranga F., 2009, IR and Raman spectroscopy- advanced and versatile techniques for Agrifood quality and authenticity assessment, Bull. of USAMV Cluj-Napoca. Agriculture, 66, 459-465
  12. Socaciu C., Antioxidanti fitochimici, in: Dragan S., Gergen I., Socaciu C., Alimentatia functionala cu componente bioactive naturale în sindromul metabolic, Ed. Eurostampa, 2009, ISBN 978-973-687-761-2, pag. 95-127
  13. Socaciu C., Alimente functionale cu antioxidanti naturali produse de SC Proplanta S.R.L. Cluj-Napoca, in: Dragan S., Gergen I., Socaciu C., Alimentatia functionala cu componente bioactive naturale în sindromul metabolic, Ed. Eurostampa, 2009, ISBN 978-973-687-761-2, pag. 389-417


  1. D.A. Magdas, S. M. Cuna, Preliminary study of traceability on the soil-plant-grape chain Progress of Cryogenics and Isotope Separation, Vol 13, 2/2010, pg. 123-127
  2. Chedea V. , Braicu C., C.Socaciu, 2010, Antioxidant/prooxidant activity of a polyphenolic grape seed extract, Food Chemistry, 121(1):132-139,
  3. Chedea V., Echim C., Socaciu C., 2010, Composition in polyphenols and stability of the aqueous grape seed extract from the Romanian variety Merlot Recas , J.Food Biochemistry, accepted, in press
  4. Marghitas L.A., Dezmirean D., Pocol C., Ilea M., Bobis O., Gergen I., The Development of a Biochemical Profile of Acacia Honey by Identifying Biochemical Determinants of Its Quality, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agro Botanici Cluj-Napoca, 38(2), Special Issue, 9-13
  5. Mihai C.M., Marghitas L.A., Dezmirean D., Bobis O.,Tamas M., Estimation of mflavonoid content in propolis by two different colorimetric methods, Scientific Papers: Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, USAMVB Timisoara, 2010, 43(1), 407-410
  6. Marghitas L.A., Bobis O., Tofalvi M., The effect of plant supplements on the development of artificially weaken bee families, Scientific Papers: Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, USAMVB Timisoara, 2010, 43(1), 402-406
  7. Bobis O., Marghitas L.A., Dezmirean D., Bonta V., Mihai C.M., Beehive products: source of nutrients and natural biologically active compounds, Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, 2010, 16(2), 104-109, ISSN 1453-1399 Agroprint Timisoara
  8. Marghitas L.A., Morar O., Bobis O., Bonta V., Dezmirean D., Comparative evaluation of chemical composition of three categories of royal jelly, Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, 2010, 16(2), 399-401, ISSN 1453-1399 Agroprint Timisoara
  9. Marghitas L.A., Bonta V., Dezmirean D., Bobis O., Determination of chloramfenicol in honey by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with photodiode array detection, Buletin USAMV Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 2010, 67 (1-2), 36-42
  10. Margaoan R., Marghitas L.A., Dezmirean D., Mihai C.M., Bobis O., Bee collected pollen – general aspects and chemical composition, Buletin USAMV Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 2010, 67 (1-2), 254-259
  11. Bobis O., Marghitas L.A., Dezmirean D., Morar O., Bonta V., Chirila F., Quality parameters and nutritional value of different commercial bee products, Buletin USAMV Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 2010, 67, (1-2), 91-96
  12. Daniel Dezmirean, Liviu Al. Marghitas, Otilia Bobis, Laura Stan, Victorita Bonta, Ovidiu Maghear, Georgeta Dinita, Olimpia Morar, Physical-chemical attributes and mineral content of Heather honey (Calluna vulgaris), Buletin USAMV Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 2010, 67 (1-2), 163-168
  13. Mihai C.M., Marghitas L.Al., Antioxidant capacity of Transilvanian propolis, Buletin USAMV Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 2010, 67 (1-2), 266-270
  14. Marghitas L.A., Morar O., Bobis O., Bonta V., Dezmirean D., Tofalvi M., Evaluation of fresh royal jelly in different larvae stage, Buletin USAMV Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 2010, 67 (1-2), 29-35
  15. Gabriela Birtas, Liviu Al. Marghitas, Daniel Dezmirean, Oltica G. Stanciu, Mircea Tamas, Spectrophotometric evaluation of flavonoid content of propolis and poplar buds by ZrOCl2 reagent, Buletin USAMV Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 2010, 67 (1-2), 85-90


  1. Dana Alina Magdas, Stela Cuna, Gabriela Cristea, Roxana Elena Ionete, Diana Costinel, Stable isotopes determination in some Romanian wines, acceptat spre publicare in Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies
  2. Edina Dordai, Dana Alina Magdas, Stela Maria Cuna, Gabriela Cristea, István Futó, Gergely Vodila, Valentin Mirel, Detection of some Romanian honey types adulteration using stable isotope methodology, acceptat spre publicare in Studia Chemia
  3. D. A. Magdas, Z. Moldovan, G. Cristea, The use of stable isotopes in quantitative determinations of exogenous water in wines, acceptat spre publicare in American Institute of Physics: Conference Series
  4. Otilia BOBIS, Liviu Al. MARGHITAS, Daniel S. DEZMIREAN, Flore CHIRILA, Robin F.A. MORITZ, Preliminary Studies Regarding Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Capacity for Different Types of Romanian Honeys, Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 68(1-2)/2011


  1. Pamula, A., Voica, C., Dehelean, A. Metal content and isotopic characterization of some Romanian wines. Preliminary results. Conferinta Nationala cu participare internationala ”Procese izotopice si moleculare”, Cluj-Napoca 2008
  2. Dehelean A., Voica, C., Pamula, A. Determination of lead and strontium isotope ratios in alcoholic beverages by inductively coupled plasma spectrometry- ISOTOPES Cluj-Napoca 2009
  3. Voica C., Dehelean, A., Pamula, A. Method validation for determination of heavy metals in wine and slightly alcoholic beverages by ICP-MS; Procese Izotopice si moleculare PIM 2009
  4. D.A.Magdas, E. Dordai, S. Cuna, G. Cristea, I. Futo, G. Vodila, Application of 13-C EA-IRMS to detect the honey authenticity, ISOTOPES, 2009, 25-29 May, Cluj-Napoca Romania
  5. Dana Alina Magdas, Stela Cuna, Gabriela Cristea, Roxana Ionete, Diana Costinel Wine authentication using stable isotopes in some Romanian wines, IC-ANMBES 2010, June 18-20, 2010, Brasov Romania
  6. E. Dordai, D.A.Magdas, S.M. Cuna, G. Cristea, I. Futo, G. Vodila, V. Mirel, Detection of some Romanian honey types adulteration using stable isotope methodology, IC-ANMBES 2010, June 18-20, 2010, Brasov Romania
  7. V. Mirel, D.A. Magdas, S.M. Cuna, P. Berdea, E. Dordai, G. Cristea, The use of stable isotope ratios for fruit juices and vegetable oils authentication, IC-ANMBES 2010, June 18-20, 2010, Brasov Romania
  8. Voica, C., Dehelean, A. Multielement determination and isotopic characterization in wines by ICP-MS, IC- ANMBES Brasov, June 18-20, 2010
  9. D.A. Magdas, S. M. Cuna, Preliminary study of traceability on the soil-plant-grape chain, The 16-th Conference “Progress of Cryogenics and Isotope Separation”, 13-15 October,2010, Calimanesti –Caciulata, Valcea, Romania
  10. Socaciu C., R. Pop, F. Ranga and F. Fetea, Four-steps metabolomic characterization (simultaneous fingerprint and evaluation) of carotenoid, chlorophyll and anthocyanin pigments as biomarkers of food quality and authenticity, 6th International Congress On Pigments In Food: Chemical, Biological And Technological Aspects, 24-27 iunie 2010, Budapest
  11. Socaciu C., Metabolomic Biomarkers – From Biochemistry to Systems Biology and personalized Medicine, Int.Symp. SRBBM Bucharest, 22-24 Sept. 2010
  12. Pop R., Rugina D., Sconta Z. and Socaciu C., Comparative qualitative and quantitative evaluation of two metabolic biomarkers (carotenoids and phenolics) of four berries (Seabuckthorn, Aronia, Black Currant and Bilberries) using HPLC and UV-Vis analysis, METABOLOMICS 2010, Breakthroughs in plant, microbial and human biology, clinical and nutritional research, and biomarker discovery, 27 Iunie - 1 Iulie 2010, Amsterdam
  13. Socaciu C., Plant metabolomics beyond genomics, conf.invitata, Simp.Int. Univ. Al I.Cuza, Iasi, 15 Octombrie 2010, conferinta invitata
  14. Socaciu C., Raluca Pop, Floricuta Ranga and Florinela Fetea, Metabolomic studies on seabuckthorn leaves and fruits: towards a rapid fingerprint of biological and geographical origin, EuroWorkS, 1st European Workshop on Seabuckthorn, Potsdam, 2-3 December 2010
  15. A. Magdas, Isotopic ratios aplications in the detection of illegal watering of wines and fruit juices, Processes in Isotopes and Molecules, PIM 8, 2011 September 29 – October 1, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  16. D. A. Magdas, Z. Moldovan, G. Cristea, The Use of Stable Isotopes in Quantitative Determinations of Exogenous Water in Wines, Processes in Isotopes and Molecules, PIM 8, 2011 September 29 – October 1, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  17. G. Cristea, S. Cuna, A. Magdas, E. Dordai, Method validation for isotopic ratios determination (18O/16O and 13C/12C) in wine, Recent Advances in Food Analysis, RAFA 2011, Prague, Czech Republic


  1. Marghitas Liviu, Dezmirean Daniel, Bobis Otilia, Bonta Victorita, Stanciu Oltica Giorgiana, Gergen Iosif, Harmanescu Monica, Metode moderne de determinarea a reziduurilor si contaminantilor din miere si produse apicole, Editura AcadenicPress Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 978973744216-1, nr.pag. 204