Project title: High Performance Materials for the next generation Space Thermoelectric Generators
Project acronim: MatSpaceTEG
The proposed project is financed by Romanian Space Agency (ROSA), through PNCDI-III-C3-2016 STAR Programme (Space Technology and Advanced Research)
The project was coordinated by Dr. Daniel Bilc (Sept-Dec 2017) and will be further coordinated by Dr. Liviu Zarbo (Ian 2018-August 2019).
Project implementation period: September 2017 to August 2019
Abstract: In this project, we will use our recently introduced guidance idea and the concept of band structure engineering in order to search for oxide and silicide materials with high thermoelectric (TE) efficiency as future advanced TE materials for the next generation of space TE generators. These generators need significant improvements in reliability, specific power by a factor of ~2-3, and TE efficiency by a factor of ~1.5-2.5 over the already used generators in the space missions. Employing complementary rational methods for fabrication, characterization and optimization of the theoretically predicted high performance TE materials, we will fabricate thin films and TE thermocouples based on these materials, characterize, and validate the high performance advanced TE materials.