Raman Spectroscopy for Ultra-Sensitive Salivary Diagnosis and Radiotherapy Treatment Monitoring of Oral Cancer

Molecular and Biomolecular Physics Department

National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies

Establish the biomolecular composition of healthy and oral cancer saliva.






(a) Average Raman spectra characteristic of the saliva collected from a healthy volunteer, respectively from a patient suffering from oral cancer. The vertical lines represent the standard deviation calculated for each wave number. (b) Difference spectrum calculated by subtracting the average spectrum of healthy saliva from the average spectrum of cancerous saliva.

Establish the biomolecular composition of healthy and oral cancer saliva.






(a) ) Loadings of the first three principal components (PC) used for discriminating between the Raman spectra of the healthy and cancerous saliva samples. The variance captured by each PC is shown in brackets. (b) Three-dimensional scatter plot of the first three PCs scores for healthy (red pentagrams) and cancerous (blue pentagrams) saliva.