
Stage I

  a)  The preparation and caracterization of thin gold layers deposited on mica and gold nanoparticles in suspenssion, respectively.

b)   Numerical simulations of minimum energy structures and NMR spectra for bithiophene-phenothiazine podands.

  c)   The design, synthesis and structural analysis for some phenothiazinic and macrocyclic derivates with phenothiazinic units.

 d)  The investigation of the physical and chemical properties of the bi-thiophene-phenothiazine podands through: cyclic voltametry, NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy.

       Three phenothiazinic organic compounds were caracterised:

To characterize the screening effect of the gold electrodes the cyclic voltammograms were obtained. The main conclusion: characterized the shielding effect of gold electrodes. The main conclusion: The degree to which the molecules are attached to the gold electrode surface is dependent on the number of the characteristic functional units, on their dimensions and on their spatial position.

Stage II

Characterization of the bi-thiophene-phenothiazine podands in solution and deposited on gold surfaces by:

a)    IR and UV/VIS spectroscopy.

b)   Fluorescence spectroscopy.

c)   Cyclic voltametry

The recorded voltammograms characterises the shielding effect of the gold electrodes determined by the four organic phenothiazinic compounds. The main conclusion: the molecules adhesion to the gold surfaces is still weak. The SBSSs’ quality can be improved by optimizing the molecular geometry and the deposition conditions.

Stage III

a)    The geometrical structure of the molecules, free or attached to gold surfaces, were determined by methods of molecular modelling for the following compounds:

b)    The NMR spectra of the following phenothyazinic compounds were numerically simulated:

c)    The following macrocycles with phenothiazinic, tiophenic and azobenzenic units were obtained:

d)    The physico-chemical properties of the prepared compounds, in solution or deposited on gold surface, were characterised by:

e)    SBSSs were obtained through the deposition of prepared compounds on gold surfaces, gold nanoparticles., respectively.

f)    The morphology and the physico-chemical and structural properties of the SBSSs were characterised by:

Stage IV

a)    An Isothermal Titration Calorimeter (ITC) was acquired and it was tested with the water-ethanol binary system.

b)    The geometrical structures of two phenothiazinic macrocycles were obtained by applying a computer code based on the Density Functional Theory method:

c)    The design, synthesis and structural analysis of some phenothiazinic compounds were obtained:

d)    The physico-chemical and structural analysis of the phenothiazinic macrocyclic compunds was realised and the changes induced by complexation with various cations were observed. The methods used in this respect were the UV-VIS and fluorence spectroscopy for compunds 1 - 5, isothermal titration calorimetry for the compounds 5 and 6, the cyclic voltametry for the compounds 1 – 5 and X-ray diffraction for the compounds 2, 4 - 5:

e)    SBSSs were obtained by depositing the phenothiazinic macrocyclic compounds on gold surfaces (111) and gold nanoparticles, respectively:

f)    The morphology and the physico-chemical properties of the SBSSs were charcterised by atomic force microscopy and infrared spectroscopy.