- 1. The National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2007-2013
- 2. National Research and Development Institutes
- COMOTI - National R&D Institute for Gas Turbines
- ECOIND - National R&D Institute for Industrial Ecology
- GEOECOMAR - National R&D Institute for Marine Geology and Geoecology
- IBA - National R&D Institute for Food Bioresurces
- IBNA - National R&D Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition
- ICAS - Forest Research and Management Institute
- ICCF - National R&D Institute for Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
- ICDPP - R&D Institute for Plant Protection
- ICECHIM - National R&D Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry
- ICI - National R&D Institute for Informatics
- ICMET - National R&D and Testing Institute for Electrical Engineering
- ICPA - National R&D Institute for Soil Sciences Agrochemistry and Environment
- ICPE-CA - National R&D Institute for Electrical Engineering
- ICSI - National R&D Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopes Technologies
- IFIN-HH - National R&D Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
- IFT - National R&D Institute for Technical Physics
- IGR - National R&D Institute for Geology,Geophysics,Geochemistry and Remote Sensing
- IMNR - National R&D Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare Metals
- IMT - National R&D Institute for Microtechnologies
- INCAS - National R&D Institute for Aerospace
- INCDA - National R&Dl Institute for Agriculture
- INCDBH - National R&D Institute for Biotechnology in Horticulture
- INCDCSZ - National R&D Institute for Potato and Sugar Beet
- INCDFM - National R&D Institute for Materials Physics
- INCDFP - National R&D Institute for Earth Physics
- INCDMI - National R&D Institute for Microbiology and Immunology_Cantacuzino
- INCDMTM - National R&D Institute for Mechatronics and Measurement Technique
- INCDPM. - National R&D Institute for Occupational Safety
- INCDPM - National R&D Institute for Environmental Protection
- INCDP V.Babes - National R&D Institute for Pathology_Victor Babes
- INCDT - National R&D Institute for Tourism
- INCDTP - National R&D Institute for Textiles and Leather
- INCEMC - National R&D Institute for Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter
- INCSMPS - National R&D Institute for Labor and Social Protection
- INFLPR - National R&D Institute for Laser, Plasma & Radiation Physics
- INMA - National R&D Institute for Machines and Installations Designed to Agriculture
- INOE- National R&D Institute for Optoelectronics
- INSB - National R&D Institute for Biological Sciences
- INSCC - National R&D Institute for Communications
- INSEMEX - National R&D Institute for Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion
- ISIM - National R&D Institute for Welding and Material Testing
- 3. Large Research Infrastructures
- 4. Romania in the European Research Area
- 5. Competitiveness through Research, Technological Development and Innovation
- 6. HORIZON 2020 Presentation
- 7. Reteaua Punctelor Nationale de Contact ORIZONT 2020
- 8. Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics