Special session on
Advanced nanomaterials, technologies, and analytical techniques for detecting and monitoring of emerging environmental pollutants

We are pleased to announce this special session featuring talks by researchers from the National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies – INCDTIM, Romania, ”Iuliu Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMF), Romania, SINTEF AS, Norway, and Nanom Mems SRL, Romania, and open to participants from outside this consortium that are interested in nanosciences and nanotechnologies, analytical techniques and technologies, detection and monitoring of environmental pollutants.

The special session is organized within the framework of the project Nanostructured microfluidic analytical platform for dual SERS-electrochemical detection of emerging environmental pollutants - POLSENS financed by Norway Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and co-financed by UEFISCDI. The objective of the project is to develop nanomaterials-based, portable sensing platforms able to quickly and reliably detect environmental pollutants in a highly affordable manner by simultaneous Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) and electrochemistry (EC).

The session will be held on Friday, 22nd of September 2025, starting at 9:00 AM, in Sala Saturn within Univers T Hotel.

0900 - 0910 Opening and welcomeCosmin Farcău, INCDTIM
0910 - 0930 Electrochemical Surface Oxidation Enhanced Raman Scattering. A new methodology for analysis
prof. Alvaro Colina Santamaria, Burgos University, Spain
0930 - 0950 Hemisphere-void patterned gold electrodes for (EC-)SERS applications using colloidal template-directed electrodeposition Nicoleta Toșa, INCDTIM
0950 - 1005 Quasi-3D plasmonic nanostructures fabricated by colloidal lithography for SERS detection of nanoplasticsIoana Marica, INCDTIM
1005 - 1020 Molecularly imprinted polymer-based platforms for Thiabendazole detectionSzabolcs Györfi, UMF
1020 - 1035 Development of SERS substrates using electrochemically modified screen printed electrodesIonuț Leva, UMF
1035 - 1045 Coffee break
1045 - 1100 SERS detection of endosulfanAlexandra Fălămaș, INCDTIM
1100 - 1120 Enhancing pollutants' detection sensitivity and selectivity by combining EC, SERS, and microfluidicsRebeca Moldovan/ Bogdan-Cezar Iacob, UMF
1120 - 1140 Miniature reference electrodes for electroanalytical applicationsMarin Gheorghe, Nanom-Mems SRL
1140 - 1200 Sensor technologies for environmental applications Elizaveta Vereshchagina, SINTEF AS