
LAPSENS project aims to make a concerted and multidisciplinary effort to support the fabrication of a detection equipment for laparoscopic assisted MIS surgery of gastric and colorectal tumors with a higher sensibiliy and specificity and without any side-effects for the patients. Thus, LAPSENS project has the following specific objectives:

- Fabrication of a new equipment for sensor encapsulation with complet watertight properties which can be sterilized by usual gamma ray or autoclaving clinical protocols. (O1) 

- Fabrication of a newly inductive proximity sensor with augmented sensitivity for detection of the mucosa-attached tacks with an in-tissue penetration range between 20 and 50 mm. (O2) 

- Fabrication of custom-designed tacks coated with Au/Pt metals to comply with the biocompatibility standard, specially designed for improvement of sensor detection. (O3) 

- Identification of a reliable method for deployment of the tacks along the entire tract of the colon, from the ileocecal valve to the upper margin of the anal sphincter and in the stomach, from cardia to the pylorus (O4) 

- Demonstration of the concept validity and measurement of detection sensibility and specificity in experimental studies: ex-vivo dry-lab and wet-lab and in-vivo wet-lab.(O5)

Feasibility of the project - The feasibility of the LAPSENS project has already been demostrated, taking into account that the initial concept has been submitted to the Romanian Patenting Office (OSIM) - number 2014 00821, thus validating and demonstranting in the same time the product, the technology and the applied method (see B.2.2 Presentation of the concept of technology and references [7,8]). Feasibility is also assured by the extensive experience of many members of the team who have already managed several research projects. The project manager has a rich clinical and experimental medical experience and impressive background in this field, while the team members of INCDTIM are recognized scientific researchers in electronics and biosensing research domains. Thus, all the areas involved in the LAPSENS project are covered.