Molecular Carbon Nanostructures

About project

Beneficiary: National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies

Project Code: CF 167_15.11.22

Contract no.: 760098_23.05.23

Competition: PNRR-III-C9-2022–I8

Director/Project Leader: Dr. M. Stuparu

Project budget: 6,998,043.75 RON

Project period: 01.07.2023 – 30.06.2026

Project Goal

The overarching goal of this project is to establish a sustainable synthesis of molecularly curved nanographenes and examining their properties and potential applications.

Our goal is to apply mechanochemistry for the synthesis of carbon-rich nanomaterials with emphasis on functionalized molecular graphene structures. We would like to use ball-milling processes to achieve this goal. In doing so, we would like to reduce dependency on organic solvents which are often hazardous and costly. The other advantages of a mechanochemical synthesis are that they are mild, fast, scalable, and efficient. We would like to harness these attributes in the rapid preparation of a new family of nanostructures. The synthesized materials will be studied for their properties and potential applications.

Research Team

Dr. M. Stuparu

Dr. M. Stuparu

Principal Investigator

Dr. Crina Socaci

Dr. Crina Socaci

Dr. Monica Dan

Dr. Monica Dan

Dr. Oana Grad

Dr. Oana Grad

Dr. Adrian Pîrnău

Dr. Adrian Pîrnău

Dr. Teodora Radu

Dr. Teodora Radu

Dr. Marcela Roșu

Dr. Marcela Roșu

Dr. Adriana Vulcu

Dr. Adriana Vulcu

Dr. Alexandru Turza

Dr. Alexandru Turza

IDT Septimiu Tripon

IDT Septimiu Tripon

Dr. Diana Lazăr

Dr. Diana Lazăr

Dr. Raktim Saikia

Dr. Raktim Saikia

Dr. Natalia Terenti

Dr. Natalia Terenti

Alexandra Urda

Alexandra Urda

PhD student

Dragoș Cosma

Dragoș Cosma

PhD student

PhD Student (enrolled in Romania)

2 vacant full time positions



National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies – INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca

67-103 Donat Street, P.O. Box 700,
RO-400293 Cluj-Napoca 5, Romania

+40 264 584037

“Conținutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod obligatoriu poziția oficială a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului României”

„PNRR. Finanțat de Uniunea Europeană – UrmătoareaGenerațieUE”