Invited talk
- “Application of Raman spectroscopy as a rapid tool for beverages and food authentication”, International Bio-Inspiration N.I.C.E. Summer Event, 20–22 June 2023, Nice, France. The conference is endorsed by CNRS and IUPAC.
- D. A. Magdas, M. David,A. R. Hategan, R. Puscas, G. Cristea,C. Molnar, C. Berghian-Grosan. Application of acknowledged and emerging approaches for food authentication. Honey – a case study. International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical methods for Biomedicaland Environmental Sciences”, IC-ANMBES Brasov, 8-10 June 2022
Oral presentation
- D. A. Magdas, New approaches for food authentication, Final Conference METROFOOD-RO, 14-15 November 2023, Bucharest, Romania
- M. David, A. R. Hategan, D. A. Magdas, ATR-FTIR and FT-Raman spectroscopy associated with chemometrics for honey authenticity control, 14th International Conference Processes in Isotopes and Molecules, 19-22 September 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- D. A. Magdas, A. R. Hategan, M. David, C. Berghian-Grosan, Testing the potential given by data fusion strategies for the development of honey classification models, 11th International Conference “Agriculture & Food”, 14-17 August 2023, Burgas, Bulgaria
Poster presentation
- A. R. Hategan, A. Dehelean, R. Puscas, G. Cristea, D. A. Magdas, Artificial Intelligence for empowering the performance of honey recognition models, 3rd Food Chemistry Conference: Shaping a healthy and sustainable food chain through knowledge, 10-12 October 2023, Dresda, Germany
- T. M. Magdas, A. R. Hategan, A. Dehelean, A. Filip, B. Simionescu, D.A. Magdas, Elemental content of honey – between tracers and possible contaminants, 3rd Food Chemistry Conference: Shaping a healthy and sustainable food chain through knowledge, 10-12 October 2023, Dresda, Germany
- C. Berghian Grosan, R. Suciu, A. R. Hategan, D. A. Magdas, Authenticity evaluation of honey mixtures through fluorescence spectroscopy and PLS-DA data analysis, 3rd Food Chemistry Conference: Shaping a healthy and sustainable food chain through knowledge, 10-12 October 2023, Dresda, Germany
- D. A. Magdas, F. Guyon, A. R. Hategan, A new path for honey recognition – 13C-NMR and Artificial Intelligence, 3rd Food Chemistry Conference: Shaping a healthy and sustainable food chain through knowledge, 10-12 October 2023, Dresda, Germania
- M. David, A. R. Hategan, C. Berghian Grosan, D. A. Magdas, FT-Raman spectroscopy paired with supervised statistical analysis for honey authenticity control, 12th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy, 27-01 September 2023, Krakow, Poland.
Oral presentation
- D. A. Magdas, A. R. Hategan, M. David, C. Berghian-Grosan, Data fusion – an effective tool for the development of recognition models for honey authentication, 10th International Symposium on Recent Advance sin Food Analysis, 6-9 September 2022, Prague, Czech Republic.
- A. R. Hategan, A. Dehelean, G. Cristea, R. Puscas, D. A. Magdas, Application of Artificial Intelligence in the development of honey differentiation models. A comparison among the efficiency of several Machine Learning algorithms, 10th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, 6-9 September 2022, Prague, Czech Republic.
- A. R. Hategan, M. David, A. Dehelean, G. Cristea, R. Puscas, A. J. Molnar, D. A. Magdas. Application of Machine Learning algorithms for the botanical origin assessment of honey using isotope and elemental profiles. 2nd Workshop on Applied Deep Learning (WeADL 2022), 3 June 2022.
Poster presentation
- C. Berghian-Grosan, C. Muller Molnar, D.A Magdas. Honey – a food matrix case for authenticity evaluation by Raman spectroscopy and Machine Learning algorithms. „International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences”, IC-ANMBES Brasov, 8-10 June 2022.
- A. R. Hategan, M. David, A. Dehelean, G. Cristea, R. Puscas, A. J. Molnar, D. A. Magdas. The efficiency of data pre-processing for honey botanical differentiation through the association of elemental and isotopic profiles and supervised methods. XVIIIth edition of the International Conference “Students for Students”, 6-10 April 2022, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- D. A. Magdas, R. Puscas, A. Dehelean, I. Feher., G. Cristea. Application of acknowledged and emerging approaches for food authentication. Honey – a case study. „Research for Industry and consumers benefits” on-line Workshop, in the frame of METROFOOD RO platform, 20 May 2021, Timisoara, Romania
- D. A. Magdas, R. Puscas, A. Dehelean, I. Feher., G. Cristea. Advanced analytical tools for honey differentiation. 9th International Conference “Agriculture & Food”, 16-19 August 2021, Burgas, Bulgaria
- R. Puscas, D. A. Magdas. Applications of Stable Isotopes for Geographical and Varietal Recognition of Romanian and French Honeys. 13th International Conference PIM – Processes in Isotopes and Molecules, 22-24 septembrie 2021, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- A. R. Hategan, R. Puscas, G. Cristea, A. Dehelean, A. J. Molnar, V. Mirel, D. A. Magdas – Applications of ANNs in honey recognition based on isotopic and elemental content. 13th International Conference PIM – Processes in Isotopes and Molecules, 22-24 septembrie 2021, Cluj-Napoca, Romania