Bio-inspired interfaces for the development of next generation degradable multi-phase materials – InsBIOration
Project funded by The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding UEFISCDI
Project Code: COFUND-M-ERANET-3-InsBIOration
Program name PN III: Programul 3 – Cooperarea Europeană și Internațională PN III 2015-2020
Subprogram: Subprogram 3.2 – Orizont 2020
Project Type: M-ERA.NET Call 2021
Contract No.: 313/08.07.2022
Proiect period: 30 months, starting 08.07.2022
Project value 990.000 lei, of which: state budget (source 1) 908.325 lei and European Commission (source 2) 81.675 lei.
Project manager: Dr. Claudiu Filip