Emerging molecular technologies based on micro and

nano-structured systems with biomedical applications





1. Ciobănașu Corina Vasilica, Dragomir Isabela Ștefania, Apetrei Aurelia
The penetrating properties of the tumor homing peptide LyP-1 in model lipid membranes
2019, Journal of Peptide Science, Vol. 25 (3), UNSP e3145

2. Bacalum Mihaela, Drăgulescu Elena Carmina, Necula George, Codiță Irina, Radu Mihai
Short tryptophan- and arginine-rich peptide shows efficacy against clinical methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from skin and soft tissue infections
2019, Scientific Reports, Vol.9 (17176), 1-9

3. Cristina Iulia Mitran, Mădălina Irina Mitran, Caracoti Costin Șerban, Codiță Irina
Dendrimers – as new promising tools in the management of multi-drug resistant bacterial infections
2019, Romanian Archives of Microbiology and Immunology, Vol. 78 (2), 98-105

Scientific papers — Stage 2

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