WineRec - AI: Wine fingerprint recognition based on spectroscopic methods and Artificial Intelligence

WineRec - AI: Recunoașterea amprentei vinului pe baza metodelor spectroscopice și a inteligenței artificiale

WineRec - AI: Wine fingerprint recognition based on spectroscopic methods and Artificial Intelligence

WineRec - AI: Recunoașterea amprentei vinului pe baza metodelor spectroscopice și a inteligenței artificiale

Project financed by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
Project type: Experimental demonstration project (PED)
Project leader: Dr. Dana Alina Magdas
PROJECT CODE: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-1095
Contract No. 651PED/2022
Project implementation period: 01.08.2022 - 31.07.2024

Project abstract

One of the most important questions in enology and prevention of wines adulteration are related to the correct assessment of geographical origin, cultivar and vintage. Apart from the continuous improvement of analytical methods, an important aspect is related to the development of reliable data processing tools. Metabolomics represents the comprehensive and nonselective analytical chemistry approach aimed to prove a global description of all the metabolites present in a biological sample at any given time. The main methods of metabolomic analysis rely on spectroscopic detection. Two basic approaches are used in metabolomics: target and nontargeted (profiling and fingerprinting) analysis. Presently, the main analytical techniques that are used for food metabolomics studies are nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) as well as mass spectrometry (MS)- based techniques. Beside these, Raman spectroscopy also proved a high potential for the development of new recognition models for food and beverage differentiation and starts to benefit by an increase interest from research and control laboratories in this regard. Nowadays, an emerging step in the development of food and beverages authentication tools is given by the application of artificial intelligence (AI) for the construction of recognition models with respect to predefined criteria (i.e. geographical origin, cultivar, vintage). The project aims the development of an innovative web application for wine authenticity control which will rely on new recognition models for wine discrimination according to geographical origin, cultivar and vintage. The models will be built using artificial intelligence (AI) for the advanced data processing of the 1H-NMR and Raman spectra. Different Machine Learning algorithms (ML) will be used for the models’ development. The approach based on which the best recognition models will be built will be further used for the web application development.

Project objectives

O1. Development of wine recognition models with respect to geographical origin, cultivar and vintage, based on the association between Raman spectroscopy and Artificial Intelligence.

O2. Construction of wine recognition models with respect to geographical origin, cultivar and vintage, using the association between 1H - NMR spectroscopy and Artificial Intelligence.

O3. Development of a web application for wine recognition based on the built classification models.

O4. Validation of models and web application through an external data set.

O5. Submission of a patent application for the developed web application.

Project team

Dana Alina Magdaș
Scientific Researcher I
Project Leader

Ana Camelia Groșan
Scientific Researcher II

Adrian Pîrnău
Scientific Researcher II

Gabriela Cristea
Scientific Researcher II

Ariana Raluca Hategan
Research Assistant

Maria David
Research Assistant

Nicoleta Petrica


Scientific papers

  1. Dehelean, A., Cristea, G., Feher, I., Hategan, A. R., Magdas, D. A. Differentiation of Transylvanian fruit distillates using supervised statistical tools based on isotopic and elemental fingerprint. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2022, 103(3), 1454-1463.
  2. Pirnau, A., Feher, I., Sârbu, C., Hategan, A. R., Guyon, F., Magdas, D. A. Application of fuzzy algorithms in conjunction with 1H-NMR spectroscopy to differentiate alcoholic beverages. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2023, 103(4), 1727–1735.
  3. Hategan, A. R., David, M., Berghian-Grosan, C., Magdas, D. A. Geographical and Varietal Origin Differentiation of Alcoholic Beverages through the Association between FT-Raman Spectroscopy and Advanced Data Processing Strategies Food Chemistry: X 2023, 100902.


  1. Hategan, A. R., Magdas, D. A. A comparison among distinct data pre-processing methods for the improvement of wine recognition models. 10th International Conference Agriculture & Food, 16-19 August 2022, Burgas, Bulgaria.
  2. Pîrnau, A., Feher, I., Sarbu, C., Hategan, A.R., Guyon, F., Magdas, D. A. Wine recognition model development through the association between 1H-NMR spectroscopy and Fuzzy algorithms, 10th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, 6-9 September 2022, Prague, Czech Republic.
  3. Magdas, D. A., Hategan, A. |R. Raman spectroscopy – an effective tool for wine differentiation. 44th World Congress of Vine and Wine, 5-9 June 2023, Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain.
  4. Magdas, D. A., Hategan A. R., David, M., Berghian-Grosan, C. Application of Raman spectroscopy as a rapid tool for beverages and food authentication. International Rendez-vous Summer Event 2023, 21-23 June 2023, Nice, France.
  5. Hategan, A. R., Pirnau, A., Magdas, D. A. Application of Machine Learning techniques for assessing the origin of wine based on 1H-NMR spectroscopy. 25th International Conference Materials, Methods & Technologies, 17-20 August 2023, Burgas, Bulgaria.
  6. Hategan, A. R., Pirnau, A., Magdas, D. A. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in recognizing the origin of wine based on 1H-NMR spectroscopy. 14th International Conference PIM – Processes in Isotopes and Molecules, 19-22 September 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  7. Hategan, A. R., Pirnau, A., Cozar, B., Cinta-Pinzaru, S., Guyon, F., Magdas, D. A. Fusing 1H-NMR and Raman experimental data for a new wine recognition strategy. 3rd Food Chemistry Conference, 10-12 October 2023, Dresden, Germany.

Invited talk

  1. Magdas, D. A. Applications of Raman spectroscopy in wine differentiation. European Reference Centre for Control in the Wine Sector MSDL meeting, JRC-Geel, 7-8 February 2023, Geel, Belgium.


INCDTIM - National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies

Project Leader
Dr. Dana Alina MAGDAȘ
Address: 67-103 Donat St, PO 5 Box 700, 400293, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Phone: (+40)264-584037, int. 133
Fax: (+40)264-420042