For authors

Abstract submission

Before submitting the abstract, please complete the Registration form in the Registration section! (soon)

Download abstract template. Save the abstract as “name.doc” file; “name” meaning the name of the main author.

The abstract will be submitted electronically to

Detailed instruction for paper submission

Detailed instructions for manuscript preparation and submission are provided below. For more information, please contact us by email at

All submissions should be written in English with a maximum length of 4-6 pages. One of the IEEE’s available templates for conference proceedings must be used, that can be downloaded from here:

MS Word Template LaTex Template

One author can submit at most 2 (two) papers. All the manuscripts will be peer-reviewed.

Submitted manuscripts MUST BE in Portable Document Format (PDF). No other formats will be accepted.

The manuscripts should be emailed for review to:


Add the copyright notice at the bottom of the first page of the source of your accepted paper. If necessary, contact us at for the appropriate copyright notice.

Proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision


Since the papers will be archived in the IEEE Xplore system, the PDF files should be compliant with the IEEE Xplore system requirements. For this purpose, the authors will convert their accepted manuscripts to PDF format by using the IEEE PDF eXpress, which is an IEEE-sponsored online tool, freely available to assist authors in complying with the IEEE requirements. Please note: this Conference ID is 63229x. New users should create their accounts.

Authors should also submit the PDF eXpress compliance E-mail (received by the IEEE PDF eXpress server after their PDF passes the check), that certifies that the paper is compliant as a *.txt file. A paper which does not comply will not be published in the Conference Proceedings.