Call for Papers

Prospective authors are invited to submit for peer review original, previously unpublished manuscripts on new results/developments, as well as technical reports, to be orally presented in the conference sections.

The main area of interest are:

Grid Cloud and HPC computing in research, economy and business
Grid and applications, including eScience and eBusiness
Quantum Computing
Embedded and Pervasive Computing
E-infrastructures for collaborative research
National contributions to the computational support of large-scale collaborations
Software and services for distributed computing infrastructures,
Numerical methods for physics
Development and optimization of software applications in Grid/Cloud/HPC and Quantum environments
Applications of machine learning methods in scientific research
Monitoring, management and data organization tools,
Middleware, resource management, and runtime environments
Processing and analysis of data in computational physics/chemistry/biology/
Distributed multimedia analysis and processing
Multi-core and cluster computing

All presentations will be uploaded on the conference web site.

Extended abstracts will be published, if accepted, in the Book of Abstracts, which will be made available at the conference venue.

Accepted up to 4-6 pages manuscripts will be published in the Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore digital library.

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

Longer manuscripts, on specific topics, can be submitted for publication in international or regional journals. For more information please contact the organizers.