Advanced chemometric
methods applied for
authentication and traceability of Transylvanian agriproducts
Project financed by UEFISCDI
Project Code: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-0352
Program: PNCDI III, Program 1 – Dezvoltarea sistemului national de CD
Project Type: Postdoctoral research projects (PD)
Contract No.: PD 90 / 2020
Project Duration: 01.09.2020 – 31.08.2022
Project leader:
Dr. Ioana FEHER
INCDTIM – National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies,
67-103 Donat St., Box 700, RO-400293 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Mass Spectrometry, Chromatography and Applied Physics Department
Phone: (+40)264-584037 int. 143
Fax: (+40)264-420042
Project abstract
Proof of provenance is an important topic for food safety, food quality and consumer protection, as well as the compliance with international standards, national legislation and guidelines. Quality assurance and methods used to authenticate foodstuffs are of great interest from both commercial and legal point of view. Fingerprinting techniques are not necessarily focused on the identification of all constituents, but rather on the pattern’s recognition, so-called matrix fingerprint. Up to now, the impact upon mineral and isotopic composition, along the production chain, from fresh raw material to final food product, was poorly evaluated. This project will highlight the usefulness of mineral and isotopic composition as geographical tracers, no matter if the matrix is processed or unprocessed. By starting to implement traceability system of agriproducts, the consumer confidence and awareness are increased, thus motivating the producers to invest financial and human resources in this chain. It can be stated that implementation of traceability concept for Transylvanian agriproducts, represents a win-win situation, meaning that, the local community can benefit from fresh and nutritional high-quality food, and at the same time, support sustainable farming in the region.
The objective of AGRICHEM project is promoting the Romanian agriproducts, with a special focus on Transylvanian area, by highlighting the most important characteristic markers of local products (wild mushrooms and natural juices obtained from local fruits), in the frame of authentication and traceability concepts.
Specific objectives:
O1. Assessing the elemental and isotopic profile of mushrooms, by using ICP-MS and IRMS, and experimental data processing using classical and advanced chemometric techniques.
O2. Assessing the elemental and isotopic profile of natural juices, by using ICP-MS and IRMS, and experimental data processing using classical and advanced chemometric techniques.
O3. Chemometric models validation and testing, using blind sample, for traceability and authentication purposes.
Dr. Ioana FEHER
Project leader
Scientific Researcher III
National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies
Prof. Dr. Habil Costel SÂRBU
Senior Researcher
Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering