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Engleza Romana

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Stage I: 30th of August, 2006 - 30th of November, 2006

Synthesize scientific basis of the exchanges of carbon between the atmosphere and the biosphere and of the methods for measurements of these exchanges.

Stage II: 30th of November, 2006 - 30th of November, 2007

The study of the carbon cycle from the soil and from the atmosphere in the selected sites, their interaction, and the consequences of this interaction on the carbon budget.The development and the improvement of the infrastructure.

Stage III: 30th of November, 2007 - 25th of May, 2008

The high precision atmospheric concentration and stable isotopes measurements needed to assess the magnitude and variability of sources and sinks over sampled areas. Estimation of the effects of the carbon emissions on the climat and on the environment.

Stage IV: 25th of May, 2008 - 24th of November, 2008

Using carbon cycle related tracers and isotopes to attribute the CO2 concentrations in air to each of the constituent parts of the fluxes: fossil and biogenic. Estimation of the carbon budget and find the solutions for reducing CO2 emissions.