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Results 1st stage: The main aspects of the carbon changes between the athmosphere and terrestrial biosphere and the methods for the measurements of these changes in the consortium

1. The study regarding the carbon changes between the terrestrial biosphere and atmosphere through the short description of the greenhouse effect and its connection with the climate changes, the presentation of the main greenhouse gases and the Kyoto protocol with its implications as well.

2. The analysis of the existing scientific data and of the similar networks from EU related to the measurements of the carbon fluxes in the consortium. The analysis includes a data set and the study of the biosphere-atmosphere interaction for different time and space scales, strategy for the estimation of the terestrial ecosystems role in the global carbon cycle, the use of the stable isotopes in the gase exchanges between the terrestrial biosphere and atmosphere and the presentation of the most important European networks.

3. The studies of the known sourses and sinks of carbon with the associated incertitude for each sourse and sink.

4. The methods elaboration and the presentation of the equipments which will be used for the in situ sampling and measuring of the CO2 , CH4 concentrations, and CO2 fluxes from atmosphere and soil. Also, the sampling, extracting and purifying methods for the CO2 and CH4 was made.