
The project aims to investigate the usage of two different industrial waste materials (stone dust and residual fatty oil) as a composite to substitute traditional filler, a component that comes from exhaustible sources, in bituminous mastic composition. Characterization will be carried out for the obtained materials in terms of their chemical and physical properties, and their interaction with bitumen.  Furthermore, the validation by standardized tests of the bituminous mastic obtained will be done to evaluate the suitability of these waste materials for bituminous mastic production.

O1: Demonstration of the functionality of the obtained experimental model for bituminous mastic by analytical and experimental studies

O2: Optimization of composition to suit the application

O3: Validation of the end product in laboratory and environmental conditions by specific tests

O4: Increasing the capacity of INCDTIM to generate laboratory validated solutions for new products and provide them to private environment industries

O5: Working towards a model for circular economy