

Simulated optical transmittance/reflectance spectra of linear plasmonic oligomers. Dependence of sensitivity to interparticle gap modifications on particle size and light polarization for plasmonic oligomers of various lengths. Simulated MEF and SERS amplifications in the vicinity of nanostructures. Protocol for preparing structured PDMS substrates. Nanoparticles assembled in channels on PDMS substrates. Optical transmission/reflection spectra of fabricated metallic nanostructures. Device for mechanical tuning of plasmonic resonances. Protocol for aptamer-based plasmonic sensing.



10. A Tatar, A Falamas, S Boca, C Farcau, Aptamer-based fluorescence sensing of EGFR biomarker protein with nanostructured plasmonic substrates, in preparation.

9. I Toth, C Farcau, Exploring Size and Gap Effects on Plasmon Resonances in Linear Gold Nanosphere Oligomers for Enhanced Sensing Efficiency, in preparation.

8. F Nekvapil, C Farcau, The Role of Focused Laser Plasmonics in Shaping SERS Spectra of Molecules on Nanostructured Surfaces, under review – Nanoscale Advances.

7. I Toth, C Farcau, Dynamic Plasmonic Coupling in Gold Nanosphere Oligomers: Mechanically Tuned Red and Blue Shifts for SERS / SEF, under review – JPhys Photonics.

6. F Toadere, C Farcau, Plasmonic structurally colored surfaces with metal film over microsphere lattices, Optical Materials 2024, 156, 115936. [IF 3.8]

5. C Farcau, Linear arrays of metal-coated microspheres: a polarization-sensitive hybrid colloidal plasmonic–photonic crystal, The European Physical Journal Plus 2023, 138, 1000. [IF 3.4]

4. A Tatar, S Boca, A Falamas, D Cuibus, C Farcau, Self-assembled PVP-gold nanostar films as plasmonic substrates for surface-enhanced spectroscopies: influence of the polymeric coating on the enhancement efficiency, Analyst 2023, 148, 3992-4001. [IF 4.2]

This article made the cover of Issue 17 (2023) of the Analyst journal.

3. I Marica, M Stefan, S Boca, A Falamaş, C Farcău, A simple approach for coffee-ring suppression yielding homogeneous drying patterns of ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2023, 635, 117-127. [IF 9.9]

2. A Csapai, D A Toc, V Pascalau, N Tosa, S Tripon, A Ciorîță, R M Mihaila, B Mociran, C Costache, C O Popa, Study of the Influence of the Dielectrophoretic Force on the Preferential Growth of Bacterial Biofilms in 3D Printed Microfluidic Devices, Applied Sciences 2023, 13, 60. [IF 2.7]

1. D A Toc, A Csapai, F Popa, C Popa, V Pascalau, N Tosa, A Botan, R M Mihaila, C A Costache, I A Colosi, L M Junie, Easy and Affordable: A New Method for the Studying of Bacterial Biofilm Formation, Cells 2022, 11, 4119. [IF 6.0]


Conference presentations:

10. I Toth, C Farcau, Towards sensing applications of plasmon resonances in gold nanosphere linear arrays, International Conference on Advanced Scientific Computing ICASC 2024, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

9. I Toth, C Farcau, Refractometric sensing with plasmon resonances in dimer, trimer and quadrumer ensembles of gold nanoparticlesEuropean Optical Society Annual Meeting 2024, Naples, Italy.

8. A Falamas, A Tatar, S Boca, I Marica, I Toth, C Farcau, Exploring Surface-Enhanced Fluorescence (SEF) sensing applications using gold nanospheres linear oligomers, 18th Conference on Methods and Applications in Fluorescence 2024, Valencia, Spain.

7. I Toth, I Marica, C Farcau, Active control of plasmon resonances in linear oligomers of gold nanospheres for advanced molecular sensing protocols, International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials NANOSMAT 2024, Barcelona, Spain.

6. C Farcau, Hybrid colloidal plasmonic-photonic crystals as versatile platforms for enhanced optical spectroscopy, 15th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-15), Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

5. I Toth, C Farcau, Mechanically tunable, polarization-dependent plasmon resonances in linear oligomers of gold nanospheres,14th International Conference on Processes in Isotopes and Molecules PIM 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

4. A Tatar, S Boca, A Falamas, C Farcau, Competitive oligomer-protein aptamer interaction for target quantification via SERS/SEF mechanism, 14th International Conference on Processes in Isotopes and Molecules PIM 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

3. F Nekvapil, C Farcau, Effect of focusing on SERS spectra profiles studied by experiment and FDTD simulation, 14th International Conference on Processes in Isotopes and Molecules PIM 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

2. I Marica, M Stefan, S Boca, A Falamas, C Farcau, Evaporation-induced self-assembly of ZnO and TiO2 colloidal nanoparticles into highly uniform films for spectroscopic applications, International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials NANOSMAT 2023, Athens Greece.

1. A Tatar, S Boca, A Falamas, L Barbu-Tudoran, C Farcau, Self-Assembled Gold Nanostar Films as Substrates for Surface-Enhanced Optical Spectroscopy, International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 2022, Brasov Romania.