Rapid detection of Thiabendazole pesticide in frozen fruits and vegetables commercialized on Romanian stores
Project financed by UEFISCDI
Project Type: Demonstration experimental project (PED)
Project Code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-3004
Contract No.: 359PED / 23.10.2020
Project Duration: 10.2020 – 12.2020 and
02.2022 – 12.2023
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Csilla MOLNÁR
INCDTIM – National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies,
67-103 Donat St., Box 700, RO-400293 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
e-mail: csilla.molnar@itim-cj.ro
phone: (+40)264-584037
fax: (+40)264-420042
Project abstract
The extensive use of Thiabendazole (TBZ) pesticide as a preservative to ensure freshness has resulted in its frequent detection in water resources and in soil from fruit and vegetable production areas. The EU REGULATION regarding the maximum residue levels for thiabendazole in or on certain products, define the pesticide residues and maximum residue levels in mg/kg in fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. So, pesticides, just like TBZ directly pollute the environment and contaminate foods ultimately being absorbed by the human body. Their residues contain highly toxic substances that have been found to cause serious problems to human health even at very low concentrations. In this project we propose to put into the practice and validate in laboratory a fast, sensitive, prompt and cheap analytical methodology for TBZ assessment in frozen fruits and vegetables, based on the Raman scattering technique, in conjunction with the plasmonic properties of noble metal nanoparticles exploited with the surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Therefore, our approach here is to test and validate in laboratory the TBZ detection method for the various frozen fruits and vegetables, comercialized in Roamanian stores, and prospecting the TBZ identification and quantification in frozen products. Plasmonic -based micro-SERS approach will be extended to in situ analysis with highly sensitive portable instruments, opening an avenue for reliable in situ food monitoring programs in Romania.
O1. To detect and quantify TBZ using SPR-SERS of the lab-obtained noble metal NPs and to explain the adsorption mechanism in various concentration and pH condition;
O2. To probe the technique for TBZ detection in frozen fruits and vegetables purchased from markets and to assess the detection limit and quantification capability;
O3. To assess the effective molecular recognition of TBZ using a compact, portable Raman platform in markets and to compare the results with the lab-based data.
Dr. Csilla MOLNÁR
Project leader
Scientific Researcher
Dana Alina MĂGDAȘ
Ph.D – member
Ph.D – member
Cornelia Veronica FLOARE-AVRAM
Ph.D – PostDoc
Florina Dorina COVACIU
Ph.D – member
Ioana Coralia FEHER
Ph.D – PostDoc