Scientific and Technical Report 4
Scientific and Technical Report 3
Scientific and Technical Report 1
Summary of stage III 2022
Presentation of results for dissemination by the Contracting Authority
Database of SERS results of investigated frozen products
Optimized extraction method of organochlorine pesticides
Validation reports
- Validation report of the UHPLC-PDA method for the quantification of thiabendazole
- Report validation of the method for the determination of traces of pesticides in frozen fruits and vegetables by GC-ECD
ISI Articles
Characterization and Differentiation of Wild and Cultivated Berries Based on Isotopic and Elemental Profiles, Gabriela Cristea, Adriana Dehelean, Romulus Puscas, Florina-Dorina Covaciu, Ariana Raluca Hategan, Csilla Müller Molnár, Dana Alina Măgdaș, Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(5), 2980
Surface-Enhance Raman Spectroscopy Detection of Thiabendazole in Frozen Food Products: The Case of Blueberries and Their Extracts, Csilla Müller Molnár, Camelia Berghian-Groșan, Dana Alina Măgdaș, Simona Cîntă Pînzaru, Chemosensors, 2023, 11, 505.
International Conferences
Csilla Molnár, Ariana-Raluca Hategan, Dana Alina Magdas
“SERS discrimination of small berry fruits varieties”
Conferinţa internaţională: “14th International Conference on Processes in Isotopes and Molecules PIM 2023”, 19-22 Septembrie, 2023, Cluj-Napoca, România.
-premiat: best poster presentation award
Veronica Floare-Avram, Csilla Molnár, Florina-Dorina Covaciu
“Quantification of pesticide residues in frozen fruits and vegetables by GC-ECD and HPLC”
Conferinţa internaţională: “14th International Conference on Processes in Isotopes and Molecules PIM 2023”, 19-22 Septembrie, 2023, Cluj-Napoca, România.
Florina-Dorina Covaciu, Adriana Dehelean, Veronica Floare-Avram, Csilla Molnár, Gabriela Cristea
„Gas Chromatography in the food control process”
Conferinţa internaţională: “11th International Conference – Agriculture & Food”, 14-17 August 2023, Burgas, Bulgaria.
Cornelia Veronica Floare-Avram, Florina-Dorina Covaciu, Csilla Molnár
„Chromatographic quantification of benzimidazole fungicides in frozen fruit and vegetables using QuEChERS method”
Conferinţa internaţională: “11th International Conference – Agriculture & Food”, 14-17 August 2023, Burgas, Bulgaria.
Müller Molnár, C. Berghian-Grosan, S. Cinta Pânzaru, D. A. Magdas
„SERS detection of Thiabendazole pesticide in frozen fruits and vegetables”
Conferinţa internaţională: 10th International Conference “Agriculture & Food”, 16-19 august 2022, Burgas, Bulgaria.
Müller Molnár, C. Berghian-Grosan, S. Cinta Pânzaru, D. A. Magdas
„Rapid detection of Thiabendazole pesticide in frozen fruits and vegetables commercialized in Romanian stores”
The 6th edition of International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (IC-ANMBES 2022), 8-10 Iunie , 2022, Brașov, România.
1 short oral prezentation:
Müller Molnár, C. Berghian-Groșan, D. A. Măgdaș, S. Cîntă Pînzaru
Bentonite-filtered blueberry extracts allowed lowering the SERS detection limit of thiabendazole in frozen fruits
Conferinţa internaţională: 15th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials – ICPAM – 15, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, November 19-26, 2023
Organizing a workshop
Workshop on nano-biosensing with portable/handheld Raman systems: From food products, toxins, safety and molecular contaminants to knowledge transfer to economic partners – With practical demos!, 6 octombrie 2022, Cluj-Napoca, România.