Summary of the project

Magnetotransport experiments (e.g. anomalous Hall effect, magneto-chiral effect, planar Hall effect, longitudinal magnetoreistance, etc.) are instrumental to characterize electronic properties of quantum materials. Yet, the interpretation and understanding of experimental results rest essentially on a semiclassical Boltzmann transport description that incorporates interband quantum geometric effects (Berry curvature, orbital magnetic moment, quantum metric, etc.) in a phenomenological way. The aim of the present project is to develop a microscopic quantum theory of magnetotransport of multiband systems. As a first step we are now developing a diagrammatic perturbative theory for the conductivity tensor up to quadratic order in magnetic field (which is still lacking in the community). In a second step, this quantum magnetotransport formalism will be applied to several models of multiband topological materials, in order to quantify quantum corrections beyond the semiclassical Boltzmann transport predictions.