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Molecular and Biomolecular Physics Department Upgrading - MDFMOLBIO


General objective:

Molecular And Biomolecular Physics Department Upgrading through the acquisition of ultramodern research infrastructure.

Specific objectives:

  • The diversification of research topics, related equipment and research competencies from the molecular and biomolecular physics and technology area.
  • The significant increase in the quality of the research and development (R&D) activity.
  • The stimulation of the technological transfer to beneficiaries and establishment of productive entities using innovative technologies.
  • The establishment of a high performance center of molecular physics and technology able to:
    • coagulate the cooperation with specialists from abroad;
    • offer cutting edge conditions of training and specialization for masters, PhD students and young researchers;
    • attract young graduates toward research;
    • stimulate the return of researchers who are currently working abroad;
    • provide the premises for research teams in NIRDIMT to be able to participate in complex European research projects, especially in the EU's FP7 projects.
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