Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Izotopice şi Moleculare Cluj-Napoca

Ultima actualizare:  24. 11.  2010.


Contacte semnificative:

Director de proiect


Listă de lucrări:


1.    Distributia Solvenilor organocloruraţi in apele de suprafaţă din judetul Cluj

M.H. Kovacs, S. Vancea, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, D. Ristoiu
XXX Romanian Chemistry Conference,  October, 8-10, 2008, Caciulata, Romania Proceeding book, p. 373

2.      Consumul de clor si formarea produşilor de dezinfecţie prin reacţia de halogenare in reţelele de distribuţie al apei potabile din judeţul Cluj

M.H. Kovacs, D. Ristoiu, R. Mihaiescu
XXX Romanian Chemistry Conference October, 8-10, 2008, Caciulata, Romania
Proceeding book, p. 178

3.      Factors Affecting THM Formation in the Distribution System of Cluj, Romania

D. Ristoiu, U. von Gunten, M.H. Kovacs, R. Chira
GeoEcoMarina, 2008, 14, p. 73-78.

4.      WAQUA: Trohalomethane formation during disinfection in four water treatment plants of the Somes River Basin

Dumitru Ristoiu, Urs Von Gunten,
New, July 08, No 17, 5, 2008

5.      Disinfection Eficiency - Trihalomethanes (THMs) Formation after Chlorination Process,

Dumitru Ristoiu, Melinda-Haydee Kovacs, Iovanca Haiduc, Sidonia Vancea
Proceedings of the Second French-Serbian Summer University: Water Quality Control and Health,
From  Concept to Action. Eds. Stefan Jokic, Jean/Marie Guastavini, Louis Cot, Pubished by: Vinca Institute of Nuclear Science, pg.146-152, ISBN: 978-86-7306-093-4, Belgrade, 2008, SERBIA.

6.  Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Somes River Basin, Romania

Z. Moldovan, Gabriella Schmutzer, Florina Tusa, Roxana Calin and A. C. Alder, Geo-Eco-Marina 14, (2008), 49-57.


    7.   Trihalomethane formation during water disinfection in four water supplies in the Somes river basin in Romania.

D. Ristoiu, U. Von Gunten, A. Mocanu, R. Chira, B. Siegfried, M.H. Kovacs, S. Vancea, Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2009, 16
(Suppl 1): S55-S65
, Doi: 10.1007/s11356-009-0100-1

8.  Accumulation of DBPs in Human Breast Milk

Kovacs, Melinda-Haydee; Brisan, Nicoleta; Zaharia, Gabriela; Ristoiu, Dumitru
Epidemiology. 20(6):S65, November 2009.
doi: 10.1097/01.ede.0000362904.92964.d2

9. Uptake of Persistent Organic Pollutants by Vegetables Grown in Contaminated Soil in Cluj District, Romania

Epidemiology. 20(6):S66, November 2009.

doi: 10.1097/01.ede.0000362906.70093.56


10. Volatile Organic Disinfection by Products Determination in Distribution System from Cluj Napoca

M.H. Kovacs, D. Ristoiu, S. Vancea, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu

 11. Nanodetection of the disinfection by-products on GC-MS techniques

D. Ristoiu, M.H. Kovacs, T. Ristoiu,
PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, by P Schiopu v.7297 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2009) Article CID Number. ISSN 0277-786X;
Advanced topics in optolectronics, microelectronics, and  nanotechnologies,  2009, 4 (1), p. 118

 12. Chlorinated solvents detection in soil and river water in the area along the paper factory from Dej town, Romania

Vancea Sidonia, Kovacs Melinda Haydee, Dumitru Ristoiu, Silaghi-Dumitrescu Luminita

13. Kinetic model for chlorine decay and disinfection by-products formation using abts method and dpd method

Kovacs Melinda Haydee, Dumitru Ristoiu, Sidonia Vancea, Luminiţa Silaghi-Dumitrescu

 14. Optimization of methods for the determination of disinfection by-products in drinking water

Melinda Haydee Kovacs, Dumitru Ristoiu

15. Trihalomethanes analysis in drinking water from Cluj-Napoca distribution network.

J. of Environmental Protection and Ecology, ISSN   1311-5065, 2009, Vol.2, 342-350

16. Environmental exposure of pharmaceuticals and musk fragrances in Somes River before and after upgrading the municipal wastewater treatment plant Cluj-Napoca

Z. Moldovan, R. Chira, A. C. Alder, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 16 (2009) S46-S54

17.  The improvement of removal effects on organic pollutants in Wastewater  Treatment Plants  


O. Marincas, P. Petrov, T. Ternes, V. Avram and Z. Moldovan,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 182 (2009) 012040

      18. Structural Elucidation of organic contaminants by chemical ionisation mass spectrometry

Z. Moldovan, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 182 (2009) 012041


19. Disinfection by Products from Treated Water Accumulation in Human Milk and Hair

Dumitru Ristoiu, Melinda Haydee Kovacs
Fourth International Scientific Conference BALWOIS 2010, Water Observation and Information System for decision Support.  Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 25-29 May 2010. 2010-242,

20. River Water Pollutants Uptake by Edible Part of Vegetables

Melinda Haydee Kovacs, Dumitru Ristoiu, Tania Ristoiu
Fourth International Scientific Conference BALWOIS 2010, Water Observation and Information System for decision Support.  Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 25-29 May 2010. 2010-300,

21. Evaluation of presence and occurrence of halogenated organic compounds in bottled and tap water waters – Evaluation of differences between water types

Dumitru RISTOIU, Melinda Haydee KOVACS, Cezara VOICA, Tania RISTOIU:
“Contribuţii Ştiinţifice în Tehnologii si Echipamente Pentru Evaluarea si Protecţia Mediului”, ediţia a VI-a,

24 - 26 septembrie 2010, Arcalia (Bistriţa-Năsăud).

22. Nanoscale Determination of Ecotoxicological Hall-Mark in Animal Hair

Dumitru RISTOIU, Melinda Haydee KOVACS, Tania RISTOIU ATOM-N 2010, The 5th edition of the International Conference
"Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies", 26 - 29 August 2010, Constanta, Romania,
(paper 1229),

23. BTEX Determination of Cluj Dej region environment

Ristoiu. D; Haydee, KM; Ristoiu. T; Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2010,
Volume:11, Issue:3, Pades: 845-853

24. Interlaboratory exercise on steroid estrogens in aqueous samples

Heath E., Kosjek T., Andersen H.R., Holten Lützhøft H.-C., Adolfson Erici M., Coquery M., Düring R.-A., Gans O., Guignard C., Karlsson P., Manciot F., Moldovan Z., Patureau D., Cruceru L., Sacher F., Ledin A, Env. Pollution, 158 (2010), 658-662

25.  Metal content and isotopic characterization of archaeological samples. Preliminary results

Voica, C., Dehelean A., Maxim, Z. Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation, vol. 13, issue 1/2010, ed. Conphys Rm. Vilcea, ISSN: 1582-2575, CNCSIS Quote; 619, pp. 39-46

26. Comparison of three digestion methods for elemental determinations in soils and sediments materials by ICP-MS technique

Geana,I., Iordache,A., Voica,C., Dehelean,A., Ionete, R.
Proceedings 37th Conference Of Slovak Society Of Chemical Engineering 24-28 Mai 2010, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, ISBN 978-80-227-3290-1

27. Semi-Quantitative Studies On Content Of Metals In Samples Of Water, Sediment, Soil From Transylvania, Using ICP-MS Technique

Voica,C., Dehelean,A. Pamula,A., Iordache,A., Geana,I.,Mirel, V. Proceedings 37th Conference Of Slovak Society Of Chemical Engineering 24-28 Mai 2010, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, ISBN 978-80-227-3290-1.

28. Metal Concentrations in Sediment and Fish from Topalu Area

Andreea Iordache, Claudia Sandru, Irina Geana, Levente Bara, Roxana Ionete, Monica Culea, Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies, Clyj-Napoca, Agriculture, vol.67(1-2) 459-460, 2010, ISSN 1843-5262, Electronic ISSN 1843-536X B+

In publication process


1.      Evaluation of presence and occurrence of halogenated organic compounds in bottled and tap water waters – evaluation of differences between water types

Melinda Haydee KOVACS, Cezara VOICA, Tania RISTOIU, Dumitru RISTOIU

Trimis la Arcalia


2.      Assessment on influence of drinking water treatment steps on disinfection byproducts formation

Melinda Haydee KOVACS, Cezara VOICA, Tania RISTOIU, Dumitru RISTOIU

Trimis la Studia


3.      Interrelationship between raw water matrix parameters and its treatment process steps on different class of disinfection byproducts formation

Melinda Haydee KOVACS, Cezara VOICA, Tania RISTOIU, Dumitru RISTOIU

Trimis al Building and Environment


4.       Disinfection agent influence on disinfection by-products formation and their impact on human health

Melinda Haydee KOVACS, Cezara VOICA, Tania RISTOIU, Dumitru RISTOIU

Trimis la Romanian Journal of Biophysics


5.        Determination of heavy metals in Aries river, West Transylvania

      Voica,C.  Pamula, A., Ristoiu, D., Kovacs, M.

Trimis la Romanian Reports of Biophysics


6.      Method validation for determination of metals in soils by  ICP-MS

Voica, C., Dehelean, A., Iordache, A., Geana, I.

Trimis la Romanian Reports of Biophysics


7.      Comparison of three digestion methods for heavy metals determination in soils and sediments materials by ICP-MS technique

E.I. Geana, A.M. Iordache, C. Voica, A. Dehelean, R.E. Ionete

Trimis la Asian Journal of Chemistry




1. Comparison of three digestion methods for heavy metals determinations in soils and sediments materials by ICP techniques

Geana, A. Iordache, C. Voica, A. Dehelean, R. Ionete  First International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences  IC-ANMBES - 2010  


2. Studies on the content of metals in samples of water, sediment and soil from Transylvania, using ICP-MS

Voica C., Dehelean,A., Pamula,A., Mirel,V., Iordache, A., Geana, I.37th Conference 2010 SSCHE Slovach Society of Chemical Engineering  


3.  Method validation for determination of metals  in oxide materials by ICP-MS

Dehelean, A., Voica, C., Rada, S, Culea, E  First International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences  IC-ANMBES - 2010  


4. Determinarea urmelor de metale grele in ape de suprafata din Transilvania

Voica, C., Pamula, A. Conferinta Internationala a Societatilor Chimice din Tarile din S-E Europei ICOSECS 7 – Bucuresti, 2010


5. Determination of heavy metals in Aries river, West Transylvania

Voica C., Pamula, A. Conferinta Nationala de Fizica – Iasi, 2010


6. Method validation for determination of metals in soils by  ICP-MS

Voica, C.,Dehelean, A. Conferinta Nationala de Fizica – Iasi, 2010


7. Characterization of micropollutants in river water by GC/MS Ion profiles

Z. Moldovan, International Conference on Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle, XENOWAC 2009, 11-13 March, International Aphrodite Hills Resort Hotel Paphos, Ciprus


8. Characterization of water contaminants molecular distribution downstream of WWTP by GC/MS ion chromatograms

Zaharie Moldovan, Veronica Avram, Olivian Marincas and Mircea Giurgiu, Workshop Water Framework Directive and Emerging Pollutants. Measures to minimize river contamination by WWTP discharges, 21– 22 April 2009 Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) Koblenz, Germany


9. Occurrence and fate of emerging contaminants in the aqueous environment

Thomas A. Ternes, Arne Wick, Manoj Schulz, Jennifer Kormos, Guido Fink, Michael Schlusener, Olivian Marincas, Zaharie Moldovan, Adriano Joss, Hansruedi Siegrist

Workshop Water Framework Directive and Emerging Pollutants. Measures to minimize river contamination by WWTP discharges, 21– 22 April 2009 Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) Koblenz, Germany


10. Fragmentation of some Linear Alkylbenzenesulfonates Compounds under Electron Impact

Zaharie Moldovan, Olivian Marincas and Thomas Ternes, The 18 th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Bremen, Germany, 2009


11. The improvement of removal effects on organic pollutants in Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP)

O. Marincas, P. Petrov, T. Ternes, V. Avram and Z. Moldovan, Processes in Isotopes and Molecules, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, p 52


12. Structural Elucidation of organic contaminants by chemical ionisation mass spectrometry

Z. Moldovan, Processes in Isotopes and Molecules, Cluj-Napoca 24-26 September 2009, p 53


13. Characterization of Surface Water Pollution by GC/MS Ion Profiles

Z. Moldovan, 28-th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry, 2-6 of May 2010, Koszeg, Hungary (Oral Presentation), Book of Abstracts, p 138, ISBN 978-963-7067-20-4


14. The structure of Pollutants detected in the Romanian Rivers that receive effluents from Municipal WWTP.

 Z.Moldovan, Proceedings of the Second Conference on Modern Technologies and Biotechnologies for Environmental Protection, Sibiu, June 2-5, 2010, p 112, ISSN 2068 - 5610


15. The variation of δ13c values in soil depth in the Maramures and Parang mountains, Romania

Cristea, G., Magdas A., Cuna, S., Dordai, E., Mirel, V First International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences  IC-ANMBES - 2010  


16. Preconcentration Method of Heavy Metals in Drinking Water    Analysis

Mirel, V, Mirel, S. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR


17. Evaluating heavy metal contents in soils and sediments from an industrial area

Iordache Andreea, Irina Geana, Claudia Sandru, Roxana Elena Ionete, Book of abstract - Conferinta nationala de fizica - CNF 2010  


Teze de doctorat susţinute pe tematica proiectului:


Dr. VANCEA Sidonia

Titlul tezei:


Conducător stiintific:

Prof.dr. Luminita SZILAGHI Dumitrescu, Fac. Chimie, UBB Cluj-Napoca


Dr. KOVACS Haydee Melinda

Titlul tezei:


Conducător stiintific:

Prof.dr. Dumitru RISTOIU, Fac. Stiinta si Ingineria Mediului, UBB Cluj-Napoca.


Doctoranzi pe tematica proiectului:


Drd. Balatz Zoltan

Titlul tezei:

Studii privind perfecţionarea tehnicilor analitice de extracţie, separare şi determinare a speciilor metalice inorganice şi organometalice în matrici de mediu.

Conducător stiintific:

Prof.dr. Dumitru RISTOIU, Fac. Stiinta si Ingineria Mediului, UBB Cluj-Napoca.


Drd. Drăgus Andreea-Bianca

Titlul tezei:

Monitorizarea unor poluanti organici din matrici de mediu de sol și apă în vederea evaluării impactului lor ecotoxicologic asupra biotei terestre.

Conducător stiintific:

Prof.dr. Dumitru RISTOIU, Fac. Stiinta si Ingineria Mediului, UBB Cluj-Napoca.


Drd. Bărbulescu, B-L-M, Georgiana

Titlul tezei:

Studii privind identificarea surselor şi mijloacelor de reducere a compuşilor care afectează gustul şi mirosul apelor naturale şi potabile.

Conducător stiintific:

Prof.dr. Dumitru RISTOIU, Fac. Stiinta si Ingineria Mediului, UBB Cluj-Napoca.


Drd. Haiduc Livia

Titlul tezei:

Studii privind determinarea poluanţilor din apele orăşeneşti uzate şi nămolul de canal din municipiul Cluj-Napoca.

Conducător stiintific:

Prof.dr. Dumitru RISTOIU, Fac. Stiinta si Ingineria Mediului, UBB Cluj-Napoca.


Drd. Schmutzer Gabriella

Titlul tezei:

Determinari cantitative si structural de compusi molecular din matrici de mediu prin metode spectroscopice.

Conducător stiintific:

Prof.dr. David LEONTIN, Fac. Fizica, UBB Cluj-Napoca.


Drd. Tusa Florina

Titlul tezei:

Determinari urme de pesticide din elemente de mediu si alimente.

Conducător stiintific:

Prof.dr.Vlassa Mircea, Fac. Chimie UBB Cluj-Napoca.